After activating PRO version events stop showing in widget and calendar

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Report A Bug After activating PRO version events stop showing in widget and calendar

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #6721

    Hello Stephen,

    I’ve noticed that my events do not show anymore in the event list widget and neither in the calendar (via shortcode) as soon as I activate eo pro. The calendar keeps showing the little spinner, indicating that maybe it is not getting a response. When I deactivate the eo pro plugin, it starts working again. Any idea what could be the cause of this?



    That’s odd about the event list, but the calendar sounds like some error messages are being printed in the ajax response – and so corrupting it (that’s usually the cause). It’s not something I’ve been able to reproduce, would you mind e-mailing me your website details? (I shouldn’t need a login to determine possible issue with calendar).

    Stephen Harris

    I’m afraid the site is not yet publicly available, thus I would prefer if we could do without.

    In any event, I have checked the AJAX response and indeed there is an error:

    Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 30720 bytes) in /wp-admin/includes/deprecated.php on line 139

    Please note, however, that the line number changes and between requests and thus I suspect the real offender is some kind of memory leak inside eo pro.

    Since eo without eo pro works fine, it must be something eo pro adds and that is common to both eventorganiser_widget_agenda() and eventorganiser_public_fullcalendar(). Any candidates for that?


    Hi Markus,

    Pro doesn’t add anything to the agenda, and only touches the fullCalendar very little unless you are specifically showing a calendar of events the current user is attending.

    Are you able to determine the memory being used to see if Pro is actually causing a spike (it could be without Pro you’re just below the limit). (In my test install, with a lot of other plug-ins installed, memory usage is 23MB all told – which is way below your 64MB limit). That said I can’t rule out a memory leak due to your specific settings of EO / EO Pro, so I’ll scan over the code looking for possiblties, but the following might also help:

    • Export debug file via: …wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=event&page=debug and click ‘Download System Information’
    • Export settings:, no UI for this, visit …wp-admin/options-general.php?page=event-settings&export-settings=1 directly to trigger the download of a .json file of EO options (This is EO Only, and not Pro).

    If you could email those files that will help test to see if the issue is specific to your settings.

    The system information page will also indicate memory usage – but only for that page load, so it probably won’t prove that helpful.

    Stephen Harris

    That won’t be necessary after all. I have discovered that the memory limit was indeed the issue. Eo pro happened to be the last plugin I’ve installed but disabling a couple of other plugins was sufficient to get the ajax calls to work properly. I have now increased the php memory limit and reactivated all plugins. Everything is working fine.

    Thanks for your help and have a nice day,

    PS: Sorry I reported this as a bug, I didn’t know any better at the time.


    Hi Markus,

    Glad its working for you now, and its perfectly understandable to report this as a bug :).

    Stephen Harris
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