in the Admin calendar view i see some Category-Buttons in the color of the Categorys (id=”eo-event-cat-button”).
Is it possible to show these colored Buttons to the User Calendar?
Is it in Free Version possible or only in Pro?
Best regards
Hi Fabi,
On the frontend you can display a simple dropdown of categories. You can also display a key of colours and categories: http://docs.wp-event-organiser.com/shortcodes/calendar/
Stephen Harris
Hi Stephen,
Thx but something doesn’t work.
I see in the Sourcecode of the User Calendar:
< select class=”eo-cal-filter” id=”eo-event-cat” >< option value=””>Alle Terminkategorien</ option>< option class=”cat-colour-#00d628 cat” value=”halle1″>Halle1< /option>
< option class=”cat-colour-#5cdbc8 cat” value=”halle2″>Halle2< /option>
< /select>
But equal in which theme and equal in which browser never i see the Colored categorys, in the Adminpanel it works fine, have you any idea for me, what it can be?
I know it is no support Forum here, but we think to buy your plugin when this works, without this feature with the colored categorys your plugin not solved all our whishes 😉
Best regards
Hi Fabi,
On the front-end there are no coloured squares within the dropdown, it’s just an ordinary select. But you can render a category ‘key’:
[eo_fullcalendar key=true]
Stephen Harris
Thx a lot this is a good solution!
Can i ask you an other question i think in a new thread is it better ?
Best regards
Yes please, if you have another question, please open a new thread. Thanks!
Stephen Harris