Admin address problem

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 5 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #36525

    Those who submit events are getting a confirmation e-mail from the first admin who build the site. And hence if the user replies, that’s where the replies go. I can’t seem to find a way to control the “From” address for email to the submitter.

    George Carvill

    Hi George,

    By default the plugin uses the site admin email (you can change that in your WordPress site’s general settings).

    They may have over-ridden that using a filter such as eventorganiser_admin_email. Your best bet is to search the code-base for the developer’s email address. (It could be in the theme’s functions.php or a utility plug-in – I would just search the entire wp-content folder.

    Stephen Harris

    You are correct that it is using the site admin e-mail. We have changed that as a workaround.

    But in “Event Submission Forms” on the “Notification” tab, the first field is a checkbox labeled “Notify admin.” Immediately below that is a field labeled “”Admin email.” My expectation from these two fields is that (A) the notification will go to the address in that field and that (B) the submitter will get a confirmation e-mail also from that address.

    As a user I would like to have two e-mail fields, one to be used as the address to send notifications of new events to, and the second to be the “from” address of the confirmation e-mail. That way if the submitter wants to reply to the confirmation e-mail the reply will go where I want it to.

    George Carvill

    Hi George,

    Yes, that should be what happens.

    The “Your event has been submitted” email should be sent from the admin email (in the settings), and an admin notification email should be sent to that address.

    Is that the behaviour you are seeing. Or are you wanting to have those as two different emails?

    Stephen Harris

    The “Your event has been submitted” email should be sent from the admin email (in the settings),

    That is true — the WP master setting

    and an admin notification email should be sent to that address.

    The admin notification is sent to the address on the notification tab on your form.

    I have one person responsible for events. I want that person to get the notifications and I want the “Your Event Has Been Submitted” to come from that address too, so that a reply goes there. All that and have the master site admin address be something else.

    George Carvill

    Hi George,

    This should set the ‘from’ address for FES:

    add_filter( 'eventorganiser_fes_admin_email', function($email){
       return '';
    }, 10);
    Stephen Harris

    Thanks. But I have no idea where to put this code.

    George Carvill

    It’s best suited in a utility plug-in, but will work in a (child) theme’s functions.php, see for more details.

    Stephen Harris
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