Address geocoding

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #13185 Reply

    I’ve installed the plugin and am planning on purchasing the professional licence for several sites but I’ve found an issue. When I enter a venue address the latitude and longitude always stay 0.0000,0.00000 and the map places the marker in the middle of the ocean. This appears to be an issue with the reverse geocoding. Any thoughts on how to correct this? You have a great looking plugin here if I can work around this one issue.

    Brad Weaver
    #13199 Reply

    Hi Brad,

    Can you give an example of an address this affects, or do you think the issue isn’t with any specific address? Are you getting an error messages in your browser console log when you load the page?

    If you manually enter the co-ordinates, (you can click the latitude/longtitude to edit them in the latest version of Event Organiser), are the co-ordinates still reset?

    Stephen Harris
    #13599 Reply

    Hi Stephen,

    I have the exact same problem. Even when I edit the coordinates manually, once I update the venue it resets back to 0.000000,0.000000… Any thoughts on how to solve this ?


    #13607 Reply

    That’s very odd. When you change an address field, it will automatically calculate the latitude/longtitude co-ordiantes, so when you say ‘update the venue’, do you mean change the address details, or simply click ‘update’?

    If you’d like help investigating this more I may need access to the site, so feel free to get in touch via

    Stephen Harris
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