Added translation string to "gateways.php"

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Report A Bug Added translation string to "gateways.php"

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 8 years, 9 months ago.

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    I’ve come across the situation to translate the headers of the gateway-names in the single event view.

    Therefore I added the missing translation-string to the “/event-organiser-pro/includes/gateways.php”:

    Line 56 changed to:

    'paypal'  => __( 'PayPal', 'eventorganiserp' ), 

    If you could please add that too for the next “event-organiser-pro”-update. This would be great. 🙂

    Thx & Greetz,


    Johannes Heimhilcher

    Hi Johannes,

    PayPal is a name, so I’m not sure why you would want translated. If you just want to change the label you can do the following:

    add_filter( 'eventorganiser_gateways', function( $gateways ) {
        $gateways['paypal'] = 'My PayPal label';
        return $gateways;
    } );
    Stephen Harris
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