A bug @ the Calendar Widget

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #2860

    Hi Stephen

    Looks like I found a small bug in the Calendar Widget:
    when event span over more then a month, it makes a few issues with the widget
    – current month events are missing
    – the event itself is missing ( start date …. and the whole period )



    Hi Tzvook, the widget calendar only links the start date of the event. So an event that starts on the 18th January and finishes on the 18th February, only the 18th January will have a link for that event. Testing (with those dates) the widget calendar appears as expected.

    Referring to ‘current month events are missing’, with those dates, for instance, are you seeing all events in January disappear? Depending on the widget settings the event may not appear at all if its considered ‘past’.

    Are you able to link to your site?

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen

    Site is http://www.kol-haifa.co.il …. but I found out that it was a double instance of Jquery , then I also had to get my “wp_head()” higher to load the “orgeniser” jquery b4 all other staff ….
    long story short …. solvet it – not a bug …
    Though – since A LOT of sites use jquery (not just WP ones) – probably need an option var in there or a JS instance check … to avoid conflicts and repeating annoying questions from users (like me) 🙂



    Glad its sorted!

    Event Organiser uses the version of jQuery shipped with WordPress, and makes use of the WordPress provided dependency handling: http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wp_enqueue_script

    In short, loading JS (and specifically jQuery) manually on wp_head is not recommended! Doing so will probably break any plug-in that is using jQuery on that. You can replace the jQuery version through that dependency handler.

    Stephen Harris

    Weirdly the bug came back – seems that it wasn’t Jquery …
    the events are missing only from the current month, if you go to next / prev the events are there ….
    and only in the widget ….

    <?php echo do_shortcode('[eo_calendar]') ?>


    Do the events appear correctly when you navigate back to the current month?

    Stephen Harris
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