404 Not Found

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Brent Peak 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #12931

    After we switched from our temporary domain on Go Daddy to our permanent domain we began to get 404 errors when clicking on individual events. Is this because of the plugin or because of the ical feed?

    Brent Peak

    Where are you clicking on the events? If it’s on the event calendar this may be due to the fact that the details (and so the old/wrong domain) is cached. If so, edit an event to reset the cache.

    What happens when you click ‘view event’ on the events admin page? Does the site still 404 then?

    Stephen Harris

    Sorry, I should have included more info. The events are populated from the following ical feed:

    It happens whether I click on the events from the calendar or an events list on another page. “View Event” from the admin page doesn’t work either. Hovering over an event on the calendar brings up the details, though.

    I edited an event and flushed the cache, but it doesn’t seem to have had an effect.

    Brent Peak

    Try going to your WordPress’ permalink settings and click ‘save changes’. This will regenerate the rewrite rules, which may otherwise be incorrect (this can happen when activating/deactivating a plug-in/theme which doesn’t correctly add rewrite rules).

    If that still doesn’t work, then you may want to check your permalink structure. If rules are ambiguous then it could lead to 404. A great plug-in for this is https://wordpress.org/plugins/monkeyman-rewrite-analyzer.

    The fact that the “View event” on the admin page doesn’t work suggests that the problem is with the rewrite rules (maybe they weren’t updated after you changed the domain?).

    Stephen Harris

    That did it. Thanks!

    Brent Peak
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