Style Your PayPal Payment Page

Event Organiser provides a ‘PayPal page style’ option to allow you to tailor the booking payment page to the style of your website, giving your users a more seamless experience. This includes setting page colours and including your site or company’s logo.

To take advantage of this:

  1. Log-in to PayPal
  2. Go to Profile > Selling Preferences
  3. Select the Payment pages option (‘Allow PayPal payment pages to look like my own website’) on your Selling Preferences page
  4. Click ‘Add’ to create a new page style
  5. Choose (and make note of) a name for your style. It cannot be longer than 30 characters and can only contain letters, numbers, and the underscores – and no spaces.
  6. Edit the page style providing colours, and images to make the page feel integrated into your site. Details of this can be found here.
  7. (Preview) and save the page style
  8. You do not need to make the style primary.
  9. Returning to the Event Organiser settings page, simply enter the name appropriate page style and save.

Tutorial Suggestions

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